Review Trust Review | Review Trust Bonus And Demo

hey so in this video I’m going to show you how review chest works and why I think it’s amazing and why I think the majority of the internet marketing world is really going to love this product and basically it’s for anyone that has their own product and wants to increase their conversions without changing their sales message so it’s an automated system that collects user testimonials and displays it on their site everything’s all one hundred percent automated you plug it in to review trust and then r you just as in charge of following up with the customers and collecting testimonials and delivering bonuses and basically everything so let me show you how it works so the user logs into their account and i have two campaigns currently running so i have this one up here and this one down here you can see for this campaign i have collected 116 testimonials so far this 146 testimonials and they’ve only been running this one’s been running for our I want to say a couple months this one’s probably a couple months as well so it obviously depends on how many orders you have coming in more orders you have coming in the higher chance you’re going to get testimonials because some customers obviously just aren’t going to respond no matter what but regardless it’s all 19 percent automated yeah so when a user logs in they’ll want to click create a new campaign and I’m going to go ahead and select one of these other campaigns that I’ve running and just show you what people have to enter so when they create a campaign they’re going to have to enter this stuff down here so this one I’ve named my campaign this give it a description and then I connected this specific campaign to a shopping cart called arch ultra cart and currently you can connect it to clickbank jvzoo ultra carb limelight if you select none then you can just manually import your customers and to review trust you know whenever you want but I prefer the one hundred percent automated way so I selected ultra cart here because that’s a shopping cart that I use for this product basically what happens is any time a customer purchases the product they go into my shopping cart my shopping cart tells review trust hey we just made an order and then the shopping cart since the information straight to review trust their name and email so rebe chest can follow up the customer this is great for people in the internet marketing world because we use the two biggest digital vendors clickbank and JV zoo and it’s all super quick super easy to automate that tutorial videos showing how to connect all these different vendors and as we go to after launch the user uses a different shopping cart they just submit a ticket and then we can install that specific cart for them and in doing so we’ll add it to the list here so the more customers we get the bigger this list will get so basically it’ll cover like anyone that has a shopping cart alright so this i select ultra cart connected it under testimonial i can say that i want to collect the testimonial without a picture testimony with one picture or testimonial with two pictures this one i did two pictures because it’s a weight loss related product and i wanted to collect a before and after picture so this allows for that here i uploaded a product image this is the product that is being sold and a review type you can do standard which is just hey leave a review for me thanks a lot incentivize is hey leave a review and in doing so i’ll give you a bonus for your time so I did incentivized and then I gave my incentivize my bonus a name it’s got the perfect snack checklist I uploaded the PDF to review trust and then I uploaded the image of the product itself to review trust and then down here I selected I wanted to send out plain text emails so 30 days after a customer bought my product review Trust is going to send out an email to them you can set whatever range you want here then I have email to going out three days after the first one and then three days after the second one you can click this and you can edit the actual email itself I just leave this in here because this is exactly what I use so this is probably what the majority of customers are going to use because it’s been tested and it’s just it’s a good email ok so we save the campaign after you save the campaign it’s going to show up under the the view campaign screen here and let me show you what the actual email looks like that a customer might get so I’m going to go back in here real quick settings and then scroll down at the bottom and i’m going to show you so you can send yourself a test email by clicking test I’ve already done that so this is the email that a customer would get let’s say after 30 days it says hello Brad thanks again for purchasing product name we hope you’ve enjoyed it so far we have an unannounced surprise gift for you titled the bonus name please take a few seconds to write your product purchase once you click the submit you’ll be taken to the page where you get your your bonus then there’s a link here and I’m going to click that and show you what the page looks like so the customer will be taken to a page like this says we have a free gift for you but first could you please take just a few seconds to leave a rating for live lean formula number one below this is just the product name you enter into review trust special gift will give you our special thanks we’ll give you this gift here’s where they can leave their rating one to five stars and we modeled this after amazon coms review rating system because we know they’ve spent millions of dollars testing and refining the process so it works really well and I’ve tested this myself as you can see and a couple months I got over 100 testimonials it works extremely well so as I leave a review you’ll notice that another text box appears we don’t want to overwhelm the customer with too much stuff to fill out so they give it a star rating here we ask them to give a specific results based testimonial this is my testimonial and you’ll notice as i was typing there the headline appears here so leave a headline this is my headline then we can add a picture it’s optional so it’s not going to be a sticking point if the user doesn’t want to add a picture I’m now going to add 1 i’m just going to submit my review you’ll notice that step 2 price is free this is the bonus it’ll become available after i complete step 1 so i’m going to complete step 1 by clicking submit review here’s the bonus there’s the nice image i put in to review trust click here to access it boom download my PDF I have it so the customers happy I’m happy because I just got testimonial it was a very frictionless process very smooth and you can customers can use review just on and unlimited of our products there’s no limits at all it’s extremely smooth the other thing i want to show you here is as you’re collecting that the reviews testimonials i’m going to go into a different product here so by going to stop one here as reviews come in they will appear in this list here so under unapproved so this guy says he’s small notice will change this and starting cellulite factor so he’s noticed some changes I’m going to prove it program made me wear crucial blah blah prove it this guy it’s good but a lot of it for missionary knew about so this isn’t it an amazing testimonial so I don’t want it to show up on my site so I’m going to click hide and you’ll be able to see you know you’re approved ones your hidden ones or whatever okay now this is how you can make it appear on your site automatically if you want so we had different widgets you can use there’s a bottom large widget if I click that click preview you can see this is what a large which it looks like and it appears on the bottom of the site as you scroll up it stays on the bottom you click this zooms up and then here’s the testimonial and the user can then switch between the testimonials and the nice thing about review trust is it acts as social proof it acts as a way to display testimonials and it also acts as a way to build trust because it looks like a trust symbol review chest also sounds like a trust symbol kind of like a trust guard I’m sure you’ve heard of like the mcafee trust guards the norton antivirus trust guard seals so it’s basically an all-in-one widget it’s going to just increase conversions for everyone and then you can customize the widget the colors and everything to look just like your site let’s say blue doesn’t match your site just come in here change the colors here yourself here’s the other widgets so if you thought that was too big here’s a medium-sized one small there’s a corner top left it’s going to appear up here if you click that it opens a lightbox right in the middle and then we have top right bottom left bottom right side left so that’s going to appear over here and it slides out from the side and then we also have in line testimonial blocks so let’s say you wanted a blog style on your site it’s going to appear like this within your site and if a user submitted a picture their picture is going to be right here otherwise it’ll be the default star okay there’s also social media style which appears like the typical social media widgets on people’s sites and again this would be their picture if they uploaded a picture and then finally there’s the review trust standard layout which looks like this so everything’s super easy all you need to do is grab your coat here paste it in the filter of your site or wherever you whatever pages you want this to appear on and the widget is going to appear immediately on your site as you log in to review dress and you click on things like say I had our new review here I came in here and every review showed up here and I click to prove it would automatically be shown on my site so there’s you don’t have to copy and paste code more than once once it’s set up that is it and it’s all super smooth nothing else out there like this you

from Trust product reviews
Review Trust Review | Review Trust Bonus And Demo Review Trust Review | Review Trust Bonus And Demo Reviewed by rysabi on 10:31 Rating: 5

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